Source this essential gas from Linde for security of supply across applications from healthcare to welding
Ambient air can be broken down into the main atmospheric gases (oxygen, nitrogen, argon) by cooling the air until each component liquefies, can be cryogenically separated and then purified.
Also classified as an atmospheric gas, carbon dioxide is usually recovered as a by-product of various industrial processes, in chemicals and refining in particular.
A pioneer in cryogenic air separation, we have gained unparalleled know-how in the design and construction of air separation units (ASUs). To date, we have built over 2,800 plants in 80 countries. For smaller volumes, we deliver gaseous and compressed atmospheric gases in a variety of cylinder sizes and purities. For added flexibility, we also offer bulk and - in some regions - pipeline deliveries.
Contact your local Linde representative to see what supply option and purity grade is best for your operations. The benefits to your business can include greater uptime through security of supply, higher productivity and greater operational flexibility.
Source this essential gas from Linde for security of supply across applications from healthcare to welding
Explore the many benefits of nitrogen in different purities from a trusted supplier operating an extensive, mature distribution network
Find out how our reliable supply network means we can deliver argon gas in the purity and supply mode best suited to your application
See why a growing number of innovative applications are relying on carbon dioxide in various gaseous, liquid and solid supply modes
Discover how your combustion, welding and other industrial or medical applications can benefit from compressed air or high-purity synthetic air