Reach out to our expert team to explore ways of getting more out of your oilfields with field-proven industrial services from Linde
Linde Services for O&G
Rich Portfolio of Industrial Services to Support Upstream Oil & Gas Producers

Gases are Just the Beginning
We're more than a provider of industrial gases. We are experts in gas delivery, supply and use, and we will work with you through every step of your process to help you get the most out of our gases. We offer an extensive portfolio of services extending from process efficiency fine-tuning all the way to operational productivity gains. Our nitrogen pumping and integrity testing services can help you increase operational efficiency. Our comprehensive portfolio includes cleaning, purging, drying, displacing, leak detection, hydro-testing and inspection for piping and storage tanks.
Our expert teams also have many years of experience providing services to support enhanced oil and gas recovery (EOR/EGR), energized fluid fracturing and well injection. Work with us to optimize your oil and gas production.