Thermal Spraying with Temperature-Sensitive Materials

Avoiding Overheating in Thermal Spraying - with LINSPRAY CO2 Cooling

Get ahead of problems associated with overheating during thermal spraying with our innovative carbon dioxide cooling solution
More Granular Temperature Control for Sensitive Substrates

During thermal spraying, the heat applied to the base material can be extremely high. When coating thin-walled substrates or substrates with very low thermal conductivity, or when using temperature-sensitive coating materials, overheating problems can arise. Differences in heat expansion rates can even cause the coating to flake off.

Our LINSPRAY® carbon dioxide (CO2) cooling solutions avoid the problem of overheating by effectively cooling the workpiece around the flame, as can be seen in the image below. Normally, a tank is used to supply these cooling applications with CO2, but small-volume or occasional users may find cylinder bundles more appropriate.

Our patented nozzles are specially designed for an exact gas jet shape that is virtually free of turbulence, and for the avoidance of nozzle blockages. The share of CO2 snow in the cooling jet sublimates after it hits the substrate surface, resulting in optimum heat removal.

Benefits at a Glance
  • Suitable for temperature-sensitive substrate materials including
    • Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP)
    • Titanium, aluminum and magnesium
  • Suitable for specific components and materials including
    • Thin-walled components
    • Components with poor thermal conductivity
    • Oxide-sensitive spray materials
    • Components with varying heat expansion rates
  • Different-sized cooling nozzles to tailor cooling power to individual needs
  • Nozzles for a fanned or focused cooling effect
  • Nozzle adaption kit and handling video
  • Customized CO2 gas supply systems

Curious to dive deeper?

Talk to one of our experts to explore the benefits of CO2 cooling for your thermal spraying operations
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