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Security of Supply for Electronics Gases
Commitment to Quality, Safety and Sustainability for Security of Supply

Industry Leader for Product and Service Quality
We deliver consistent quality continuously, and work closely with our customers so we can meet their needs for the next generation of products. Here at Linde, we believe that quality is everyone’s responsibility, and that zero defects is the only acceptable goal. This mindset is reinforced through regular training and awareness programs for all employees and suppliers. Everyone is encouraged to participate in improving technological, transactional and service efficiency and to share lessons learned. Quality management systems and proactive risk management help us to identify opportunities to eliminate or substitute risks before incidents occur. Where there are deviations from our own or our customers' expectations, these are rapidly investigated using industry best practices, and effective, permanent corrective actions are implemented and monitored.
We deliver on our commitment to quality through:
- Rigorous measurements
- Gas purity, consistency and reliability
- Process and statistical quality control
- Lean six sigma for continuous process capability and efficiency improvements
Sustainable Supply Chain
Sustainability is hardwired into all of our operations and reflected in our commitment to the development of sustainable supply chains. We have a code of conduct for suppliers and we work with them to ensure alignment with the principles of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) codes and to eliminate conflict minerals from our supply chains. We continuously invest in and focus on research and development of products and services to meet the advanced requirements of our customers.
Safety is always our number one concern. We strive to protect the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers and community. We also embrace an active sense of environmental stewardship.
We deliver on our commitment to sustainability through:
- Energy-efficient SPECTRA® nitrogen plants
- Recycling and recovery of materials
- Fluorine technology to reduce emissions
- On-site solutions to help reduce carbon footprints
- Development of new programs to broaden our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) engagement
Committed to Your Success
Our commitment to safety and quality helps you to deliver on your product stewardship and integrity goals. We know electronics manufacturers have the tightest material specifications, and that quality in production, supply and dispensing is essential to your success. Customers around the world rely on our expertise and end-to-end service offering for smooth business operations. Key capabilities for electronics specialty customers include:
- On-site plants - Design, manufacture and operation
- Bulk gases - Continuous high-purity delivery
- Specialty gases - Synthesis, purification, blending and packaging
- On-site services - Material delivery and management
We also invest heavily in our electronics operations to give our customers the security of supply they need.
We deliver on our commitment to security of supply through:
- Investment in bulk and pipeline infrastructure
- Collaboration with customers on on-site and local solutions
- Long-term arrangements with raw material suppliers
- Business continuity planning